Friday, July 23, 2010

This Blog is Retired.

I was just checking out the new Stats function on Blogger, and discovered that this old defunct blog still gets regular visitors.  Well, just so you don't completely waste your time, I'm going to give you links to my more current, living blogs.

Hope to see you there....

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Advanced Instructional Design

Epitome- a few fundamentl and reopresentvative ideas to be elaborated later.

Process of epitomizing:

  • selecting one type of content as the organizing content
  • listing all of the organizing content thatr is to be taught in the course
  • selecting a few organinzing content ideas that are the most basic, simple and/or fundamental
  • presenting those ideas at the application level rather than the more superficial and abstract memorization level.
Principle - demand & supply

- if understand, go to more concrete discussion of supply
- if don't understand, just give more examples until they understand the basic concept of supply and demand

Process of elaboration:
First Level
Second Level

Needs Assessment and Techniques

What is a needs assessment?

  • a
What does a "need" mean in instructional design?

  • A need is generally considered to be a discrepancy or gap between "what is" and " what should be". In other workd, a need is the discrepancy between current and desired results or concequences
Levels of need:

  1. Level 1, primary, service receivers. Students, clients, patients, information users, commuters, potential customers.
  2. Level 2, secondary, service providers & policy makers. Teachers, parents, social workers, caretakers, health care professionals, postal employees, librarians, asministrators, supervisors, managers, plant workers.
  3. Level 3, tertiary, resources or solutions. Buildings, facilities, equipment, supplies, technology, programs, class size, surgical procedures, information systems, transportation, salaries & benefits, program delivery system, time allocation, working conditions.

  • the purpose of the preassessment is to investigate what is already known abou tht eneeds of the target group; to determine the focus and scope of the assessment; and to gain commitment for all stages of the assessment.
  • two steps for preassessment; step one: identify what is and what should be, step two: identify the needs and prioritize the needs.

Main Assessment

  • the purpose is to document the status, the "what is" of the issue, to compare with the vision of "what should be" and to determine the magnitude of the needs and their causes
  • use the output of preassessment as an input for formal assessment


  • postassessment is crucial to the success of the needs assessment, it's purpose is to plan to use the information in a practical way. in other words, it is the bridge from analysis to action it answers the important questions;

Cognitive Style - refers to preferences for, or dominant modes of, infomation processing. Originated from personality research, it is adopted by cognitive psychologists who investigate individual's typical modes of perceiving, thinking, remembering and problem solving

Learning Style - refers to those conditions under which we best learn. For example auditory, visual, kinesthetic, etc...

Multiple Inteligences - Howard Gardner - linguistic, logical-mathematical, musical, spatial, body kinesthetic, interpresonal, naturalist, existential, intrapersonal

Powerpoint with our understanding of the theory we were assigned (Merril's theory) and come up with an instructional scenerio.

Monday, August 18, 2008

Here we go again!!!! Only two more left peeps!

Saturday, January 5, 2008

Velcommen to the new year.

Hey, you guys as ready for classes to start on Monday as much as I am?

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

I was working a grave shift at LD ER; yes, I drove in the horrendous snow at 1:00am that morning and it wasn't pretty.

anyone else thinking "What in the hell am I doing for my final?"

Saturday, December 8, 2007


and what the heck were you doing up at 4 am?